= Weebly Horizontal Site Menu =
(function($) {
* Generate a flexible responsive menu from the default navigation templates
* Groups overflowing nav items into a "more" menu item
var Menu = function(menu, settings) {
this.$menu = $(menu);
this.settings = settings;
this.$more = $('\
* Initialize the menu on load and on resize
Menu.prototype.init = function() {
var self = this;
$(window).on('resize', function() {
* Update the menu state after init
Menu.prototype.update = function() {
return this.$menu;
* Build out the extra menu item with the appended children
Menu.prototype.generateMore = function() {
var self = this;
// Reset to unmodified layout
var $items = this.$menu.children();
var firstOffsetTop = $items.eq(0).offset().top;
// Working in reverse (right to left) loop through menu items to see if they are wrapping to a new line.
// If they are, add them to the more menu, otherwise bail out of the loop.
$.each($items.get().reverse(), function() {
var $currentItem = $(this);
if ($currentItem.offset().top > firstOffsetTop || self.$more.offset().top > firstOffsetTop) {
} else {
return false;
* Reset the items into the main menu and remove more item
Menu.prototype.destroyMore = function() {
var $moreChildren = $('[data-menu-more]').children();
// Move the children back into the main menu
// Remove the injected wrapper item
* Set / reset the classes of the menu list items
Menu.prototype.toggleClasses = function($el) {
* Plugin-ify our menu(s)
var pluginName = 'pxuMenu';
$.fn[pluginName] = function(options) {
// Defaults
settings = $.extend({
parentClass: 'wsite-menu-item-wrap',
parentLinkClass: 'wsite-menu-item',
containerClass: 'wsite-menu-wrap',
listClass: 'wsite-menu',
childClass: 'wsite-menu-subitem-wrap',
childLinkClass: 'wsite-menu-subitem',
moreLinkHtml: 'More',
}, options );
return this.each(function() {
if (!$.data(this, pluginName)) {
// Store plugin instace with element (this),
// so public methods can be called later:
// $('menu').data('pxuMenu').update();
$.data(this, pluginName, new Menu(this, settings));